Have you been experiencing hair loss? You’re not alone—it’s a common issue that affects millions of women. It’s important to know that most cases of hair loss are temporary and can be treated with some simple lifestyle changes or simple treatments at home.
Home treatments for hair loss
The first thing is diet. Avoid eating too much sugar and fat and make sure your diet is rich in iron and B-complex vitamins and, above all, protein.
Protein is an essential building block for all cells in our body—including those that keep us strong and full of energy.
So how do you get more of these nutrients into your diet? Try adding eggs, fish, chicken and other meats into your meals as often as possible. You’ll also want to add leafy greens like spinach or kale into your salads or smoothies as often as possible—they’re full of iron. Iron carries oxygen throughout the body, and we need plenty of it to keep our heads looking great (and feeling great!).
If you stay away from animal products you may consider taking Vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 is essential for all life and is a vitamin that cannot be made synthetically in our bodies, so it must come from sources such as animal products. Vitamin B12 can promote healthy hair and scalp, so it is important to include it in your diet.
Secondly, massage your scalp regularly using natural oils like coconut oil or jojoba oil. The blood flow to your scalp increases when you rub it with your fingers or a wooden brush, so it’s good for hair growth.
Thirdly, take supplements such as biotin or vitamin C every day – these can help strengthen your hair follicles, helping them stay healthy and prevent breakage and shedding.
Finally, thanks to advances in technology, there are more options than ever before for slowing or stopping your hair loss and helping you grow back your locks, such as PRP and LED-Low Level Light Therapy treatments.
PRP and LED-Low Level Light Therapy (LLLT) treatments of hair loss
PRP and LED-Low Level Light Therapy (LLLT) treatments will enhance your hair growth by stimulating cells in the scalp that stimulate hair growth; they also reduce inflammation, which can cause further damage to your follicles, as well as improve circulation in the scalp area, which regulates oil production and helps keep your scalp clean from dirt/sebum buildup.
Many clinical studies have shown positive results in the hair restoration of patients (both women and men) suffering from alopecia when both LLLT and PRP were used.
Female pattern baldness
Female pattern baldness, also known as alopecia, is a condition that leads to hair loss in women. It is most common among post-menopausal women. The cause of female pattern baldness is not completely known, but it has been linked to genetics, hormones, and aging. Apart from what we have already discussed, there are more natural ways to grow hair fast and treat female pattern baldness, such as:
- Aloe Vera. Aloe Vera is one of the best remedies for female pattern baldness and can be found at any local grocery store or drug store. It also has excellent healing properties, so applying aloe to the scalp can help to reduce and prevent hair loss in women. The gel or juice squeezed from a fresh plant act as an excellent moisturizer and conditioner for the scalp. Aloe is also a natural antiseptic, which can help to reduce and prevent scalp infection. This plant has been used in the medical field for many years and has been proven to be effective against some of the leading causes of hair loss in women.
- Garlic. Garlic’s medicinal properties have long been known to help the immune system. It can also be combined with aloe vera to reduce and prevent scalp infection. Applying this natural remedy to the scalp can help to make hair follicles healthier while promoting hair growth.
- Coconut oil. Coconut oil contains lauric acid, which can help block DHT production and reduce hair loss by promoting healthier follicles and stimulating circulation to the scalp.
- Shea butter. Shea butter is a great source of vitamin A and C, both of which are necessary for hair growth