Do you know that purple, green and white are the colours of International Women’s Day? “Purple signifies justice and dignity,  green symbolizes hope and white represents purity.

Can you believe that the first Women’s Day was celebrated on February 23, 1909 in the United States by the American Socialist Party, in 1910 that it really took off as a holiday across Europe thanks to Clara Zetkin, a German feminist. It was celebrated in 1911 in Germany, Switzerland and Austria, and later, during World War I, it became a day for pacifist protests.

Women’s demonstrations in Russia are considered the first stage of the Russian February Revolution of 1917. On March 8, the same year, workers from Petrograd went on a demonstration against hunger, war and tsarism. After the October Revolution in Russia, а Bulgarian representative at the second conference of communist women recommended that the date be declared International Women’s Day. It was pronounced an important holiday. Later, it was widely adopted by the socialist countries, as an day for recognition of the contributions women made to family and socialist economies.

Today, more than 25 countries in the world declare it an official holiday, many celebrate it as an unofficial holiday with protests, parades and gifts for women.

In most countries in Eastern Europe, on this day women get flowers and sometimes a day off. That is my favourite part, the flowers of course.

Happy International Women’s Day! Lets celebrate Your Femininity. This is all about doing something for YOU that makes YOU feel your most sexy, beautiful, confident, sweet, amazing self. …

“I am grateful to be a woman. I must have done something great in another life.”– Maya Angelou