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So far Botoxguru has created 57 blog entries.

Mesotherapy Under Eyes – How Long Does It Last?

We'll learn more about mesotherapy under eyes - how long does it last in this blog article. Thus, continue reading if you are interested in this popular treatment.

By |2024-09-13T16:58:04+00:00September 13, 2024|Face Treatments, Mesotherapy|Comments Off on Mesotherapy Under Eyes – How Long Does It Last?

What Not to Do Before and After Botox?

While the therapy is generally straightforward and quick knowing what not to do before and after Botox treatment can make all the difference.

By |2024-09-13T16:59:30+00:00September 12, 2024|Botox and Dysport, Face Treatments, Skin Care and Health Tips|Comments Off on What Not to Do Before and After Botox?

How Long Does it Take to See Results from Mesotherapy?

One question that a lot of people have is about how long does it take to see results from mesotherapy. We will look into the elements that can alter the timing for seeing benefits from this treatment.

By |2024-09-07T15:06:48+00:00August 30, 2024|Face Treatments|Comments Off on How Long Does it Take to See Results from Mesotherapy?

Which is Better PRP or Mesotherapy for Face?

We will discuss which is better PRP or Mesotherapy, what PRP and mesotherapy are, and we will also assist you in determining which treatment could be the most appropriate for you.

By |2024-09-07T15:05:00+00:00August 8, 2024|Face Treatments, Mesotherapy, PRP Treatment|Comments Off on Which is Better PRP or Mesotherapy for Face?

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